Sadly the Hiking Club is no longer running, should you wish to revive it please contact Sport Swansea.
They have all the kit, all thats needed is a few people to run it!

To gain control of the website and email addresses send an email to info{at}
Chris Jones

General Information


Membership is accepted throughout the academic year. We feel that Hiking should be available to all and charge a relatively low annual fee of £15 (to cover very expensive transport!) To join the club, you must be a member of Sports Swansea. Go to the Student Union wetsite, by clicking here open a new window. You need to login before you can purchase. It costs £15 for insurance reasons (Prices correct for 2012-3 academic year).
We regret that students of Swansea Institute and members of the general public are not able to join our walks, again for insurance reasons. :-(

Find us at sign-ups to join the Hiking Club.

Walk Signups

You can find us in the week before a Sunday hike in JC's (the quiet side) on

For general inquiries

Email: hiking{at}

Committee contact details

To contact individual members of the committee see the Committee page of the website.

Postal Address

The Hiking Club
c/o Sports Swansea, Student Union
Swansea University
Singleton Park

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