Sadly the Hiking Club is no longer running, should you wish to revive it please contact Sport Swansea.
They have all the kit, all thats needed is a few people to run it!

To gain control of the website and email addresses send an email to info{at}
Chris Jones

The Committee 2009 - 2010

To contact the committee, or for general club information email info{at}

To check out the old commitees (where records still remain) click here to go to the archives.
Alternatively there are special pages providing rolecalls of past chairs and treasurers.
Click here for the shortcut to last year's committee.

You can also view this year's dragon committee here.



Name: Katherine Hooper
Course Studying: Materials Science and Engineering
Name of Dragon: Rusty

Katherine is boss which means we have to do what she says!... well most of the time. Katherine is part of the hiking club paparazi and can easily take several hundred photos on one walk. She has recently aquired the nickname 'babes' courtesy of Paul.

Vice Chairman


Name: Paul Adderley
Course Studying: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Name of Dragon: Beris

Paul can usually be found wearing some rather groovy hats or raving about his home town of Warrington, he also likes trying to tease and embarrass Katherine but we all know its really Katherine who wears the trousers. Unfortunately he has an unhealthy obsession with Strongbow.
He likes to think of himself as Cupid and when he's not hiking he climbs, sails or plays on his Nintendo Wii. Not the new wii sports though.



Name: Stephen Sanger
Course Studying: Zoology

Steve looks after the chairman's retirement fund and stops all of us spending too much... it's a dangereous job but someone's got to do it.
If you see him on a walk count yourself lucky :P. He also lives with Paul so send him your sympathy.



Name: Sam Wizard
Course Studying: Chemical Engineering
A.K.A: The Wizard

The secretary rings the pubs to check they're expecting us and books accommodation for the weekends. There is always one first year who makes a fool of themselves at the christmas party and last year it was Sam's turn, ask Paul if you want to know the full story!

Social Secretary


Name: Lesley Ann Moore
Course Studying: Business Management with Accounting
Name of Dragon: Muffin

Lesley organises our socials for us, she also seems to spend alot of time being a mother type figure for some of the younger members of the committee! She is very good at negotiating and wouldn't dare harm even a fly.

Publicity Secretary


Name: Megan Jones
Course Studying: English
Name of Dragon: Arley

*...webmaster scratches his head and tries to think how to sum up Megan in a sentence...hmmmm...* Don't be taken in by the innocent looking smile!
The chair will fill you in... Megan spends her time in Megan Land but is very friendly and helpful, she'll always try and encourage you to join in.



Name: Chris Laidler
Course Studying: Physics PhD
Name of Dragons: Smokey and Pancake

Chris is one of that rare breed, a shorts-wearing boffin. During the week he pootles with lasers in a climate defying lab, and with the arrival of the weekend his alter ego emerges. YC enjoys toys, but they have to be special and grownup! Rocketry is a game to him, and UFO's tremble at his command. Hiking in the wintery white stuff is a particular favorite.

First Year Rep


Name: Catherine Burgess-Wilson
Course Studying: History and English

*webmaster will write something witty here when he gets round to it!*

First Year Rep


Name: Gareth Davies
Course Studying: Medical Biochemistry

*webmaster will write something witty here when he gets round to it!*

International Rep


Name: Robert Buluschek
Course Studying: English Literature

*webmaster will write something witty here when he gets round to it!*

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